Friday 1 April 2011

Media Institutions

For the name of my distributor, I decided to use a different language like the company Buena Vista. Buena Vista, I found, was Spanish for 'Pleasant viewing'. Since my film is a romance film I decided to make a romance-specific distributing company. Because of this, I picked the French language, a language associated with love. From this I got Bellamour, which, when correctly written as Belle Amour, means Beautiful love. I believed the company should only be in one word.

It would be a relatively independent company that, if necessary forms alliances with major companies. This, however, is not always needed as romance films do not tend to need a big budget in comparison to films from other genre's because they're very close to real life.

In terms of a logo, I considered the logo of New Line Cinema. The logo is of a bit of film so I considered using a film clapper.  I altered it into the shape of a heart to convey that it works with the romance genre.

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